Berachah Church is governed by the Advisory Leadership Team, which includes the Lead Pastor. They are the primary group who are accountable for the overall health and effectiveness of the church. Ultimately, Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, so the essence of the Advisory Team’s role is to seek His direction in overseeing, guiding and caring for the church.


The role is a ministry carried out by spiritually qualified men who oversee the spiritual life and well-being of local church members.  As we assess and distill the qualifications, traits and responsibilities of the role, the following five distinctives stand out:


  1. A Heart for God – a progressively deepening devotion to and devotional life with the Lord and a consistent growth in godliness that is worth imitating.
  2. A Heart for People – a desire to see people grow and develop in their relationship with Christ.
  3. A Learner – teachable, accountable and approachable, as well as a student of the Word.
  4. A Co-operative spirit – works well with others, realizing it is all about Jesus Christ and not us.
  5. A Discerner – able to evaluate and make wise decisions based upon Biblical principles and Berachah’s philosophy of ministry.


The Advisory Leadership Team’s primary responsibilities are:


  1. To maintain the Biblical faithfulness of the body.
  2. To pursue godliness through the study of God’s Word, prayer, ministry and connection with God’s people.
  3. To approve general policies and provide ministry oversight.
  4. To study God’s Word together, evaluating the health and effectiveness of our Church against the ideal standard found in the New Testament.
  5. To become actively involved in teaching God’s Word, serving the Church in ministry, mentoring others, shepherding people with love and affection, giving of tithes (tenth) and offerings, and praying regularly for the Church and people.
  6. To personally live the mission:  Striving to be and to make devoted followers of Jesus.
  7. To facilitate communication between the Advisory Leadership Team and the rest of the Church body.


    Gerald Breeden

    Randy Downey

    Vice President

    Freddie Matson


    Joe Riley


    Jonathan Smith


    Mike Snedden