What is Baby Dedication?
What is Baby Dedication?
Baby and Child dedication is a moment during our worship service when parents and family commit their child before the Lord and submit their child to God’s ways and will. It is the act of giving back to God the gift He has given to the parents. Our pastor and church will stand with you, making the commitment to offer prayer and support for you and your family.
Dedication is not salvation. The Bible is clear that salvation comes only through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, so the child must make that decision on his or her own. We do not sprinkle, christen, or baptize babies. Again, baptism is a decision they will make individually after salvation. At the baby dedication, the parent(s) and family bring the child to the platform, where a pastor speaks words of instruction and prays over the child and family.
Parents should feel free to invite grandparents, aunts, uncles, other relatives, and close friends to witness their baby or child dedication.
Are you ready for Child Dedication?