LifeGroup Partners


Purpose: To provide serving opportunities outside the church, to provide regular pray support, and to discover needs and ways to serve them practically at least once during each LifeGroup session (i.e. Fall and Spring).


Who Are You Partnered With?

K. Downey Ladies Tuesday Evening Group - Lifeline Christian Missions, R. Downey - Dream Center of Delaware

Maher Life Group & J. Smith Sunday Life Group - Out of Darkness

Linda Smith Ladies Group - Pregnancy Resource of Delaware County

J. Smith Men's group - Embark (Stan Stevers)

Our Community Partners

Lifeline Christian Missions -  1 of 2 LifeGroup partners committed

Ideas: a collection of needed items, serve day on location, bless the employees/volunteers

Contact: Rob McCabe -, (614) 794-0108


Pregnancy Resource of Delaware County - 1 of 2 LifeGroup partners committed 

Ideas: a collection of needed items, serve day on location, bless the employees/volunteers, contact Anne for needs or other ways to help

Contact: Anne Towne -, (740) 417-9358

Out of Darkness Columbus - 2 of 2 LifeGroup partners committed

Ideas: For a list of serving opportunities

Contact: Jami Grey -,  (614) 595-9250

Dream Center Delaware - 1 of 2 LifeGroup partners committed 

Ideas: contact Nathan for needs or ways to help

Contact: Nathan Gordon -,  (614) 205-8876


Embark - 1 of 2 LifeGroup partners committed 

Ideas: contact Juan for needs or ways to help

Contact: Juan Martinez -  (956) 241-3137‬